Saturday 4 June 2011

We've Been Together For 4 Month

Four months of love,

Four months of chaos,
Four months of waiting
To be together as Us.
Sixteen weeks of hoping,
Sixteen weeks of writing,
Letter after letter,
Poems to keep from fighting.
120 days since I've held you,
120 days since we've kissed,
120 days too many,
These days that we have missed.
It's been four months
Since the day we made that choice,
Since then, there's a fire in my eyes
And laughter in my voice.
Thank you for four months of joy,
Thank you for staying true,
These four months are the start of so many
More months that I'll love you.

Monday 30 May 2011


MDS ? Apakah itu MDS ? Adakah ianya Minggu Destini Siswa Atau Minggu Dera Siswa ? Satu persoalan yang bagus untuk dibangkitkan ! Haha, its actualy Minggu Destini Siswa. Its like orientation week for me as a student in UiTM ! Seriously its like hell! Semua benda nak kena ikut masa, nak cepat je kalau lambat kena denda. Senang cerita the whole last week aku rushing gila babi ! 

First day je aku bangun lambat, nasib baik kena bagi amaran je, seriously aku tak dgr sesiapa pun kejut padahal abang-abang O.C dah bunyi siren kuat gila suruh kiterang bangun. Satu bilik aku tidur MATI ! Aha, cuba bayangkan tidur kul 12 nak bangun kul 3 ! Goshhh, sangat tak cukup tidur, thank god MDS dah habis. Lepas dari first day tu aku dah buat alarm kat phone banyak-banyak, Pukul 3.30 aku dah mandi dah. Serik dah bangun lambat, kira macam satu pengajaran lah bagi aku untuk tepati masa. Hehe ;)

So basicaly aku agak happy dapat kat UiTM Chendering, Kuala Terengganu ni. Seronok sangat rasa, dengan roomate yang gila-gila, otak masuk air semuanya! Mari aku kenal kan roomate aku! HAHA ! 

1) Ashraff Rahman / Putrajaya / 18
2) Mohd Arief / Shah Alam / 18
3) Ali Khairuddin / Kuala Terengganu / 18

2 orang budak lembah klang and sorang lagi budak sini, sangat beruntung ye sebab dia boleh lah ajar aku jalan- jalan kat KT ni, aku dah lah tak faham lagi jalan kat sini. Kat KT punya kampus sgt kecik macam sekolah dah lah kat sekeliling kampus ni dipenuhi sekolah - sekolah. So kampus kiterang pun nampak macam sekolah tapi senior kata kiterang patut rasa bersyukur sebab kalau kampus besar - besar mcm Perak, kiterang kena jalan jauh untuk pergi fakulti, mcm aku kat sini fakulti betul-betul depan kolej. Haaaa nampak tak bezanya ? Kalau aku terbangun lambat pun tak pe, heeee.

Overall MDS banyak memberi impak kepasa semua mahasiswa dan mahasiswi sekalian. Banyak ajar kiterang cara menepati masa, bekerja dalam kumpulan. Ala macam camping pengawas dulu-dulu cuma bezanya MDS ni seminggu selalu camping 3 hari 2 malam je so agak rasa terseksa jugak lah! okay guyss sampai disini sahaja, nanti aku update lagii :)

Gabungan budak tekstil and grafik :)

From left : Naeim, Nik, Ali, Farah, Mainna, Sheyra, Arief and ME !

<3 you guyss :)

Thursday 19 May 2011

Dear You !

“I miss you terribly. I miss you so much. I wish you were closer.” These thoughts running through my head bring me to tears, and I just can’t help it. I know this unwanted silence is something you can’t get out of due to the circumstances at hand. It just makes me sad knowing I can’t do much for now, that I can’t make things better. It makes me realize how blessed and fortunate some other people are because they get to see those who are close to their heart on a whim, through the lens at least, and how some of them take that for granted.  That’s all my heart can say for now. Know I am praying for you, always.

With tears and love,


Hello guys ! Lama tak bercorat - coret kat blog ni ! Sorry, saya sibuk sikit dengan preparation sebelum masuk UiTM . Btw, korang tak rasa sedih sangat ke title aku untuk post kali ini ? Memang sedih sgt bunyinya, tapi mengapa ? Yep satu persoalan yang bagus, seperti yang korang sedia maklum aku tak dapat tukar department yang aku nak, which is photography and aku tak dapat tukar kampus yang aku nak iaitu UiTM Seri Iskandar, Perak. How sad ? Hurm, nak buat macam mana, ini lah jalan yang telah ditentukan oleh Allah S.WT. jadi aku hanya mengikut. * nampak tak ayat tu ? bhahahahahaha :p Mungkin ada hikmahnya disebalik semua ini. God has  a bigger plan for us right ? But its okay, aku hanya perlu REDHA ! Sekarang aku boleh terima hakikat yang aku bakal belajar di bahagian grafik bukan lagi photography seperti yang aku impi-impikan sejak dari bangku sekolah !

Plus, aku agak happy dapat kat UiTM Chendering Kuala Terengganu ni, sebab aku dah dapat ramai kawan yang aku kenali melalui Facebook. Untunglah ada Facebook! And jiran aku pun dapat department and kampus yang sama dengan aku, so aku jadi lebih bersemangat untuk study kat Terengganu. Sekarang ni aku mcm dah excited gila nak pergi study, siap dah plan nak satu bilik ngan kawan - kawan baru aku. Tak sabar nak jumpa dorang, pergi kelas sama-sama, hadapi suka duka bersama, * ecehhhhh! Haha, mcm over sangat but yeah itu lah realitinya. Dalam masa dua hari lagi aku akan ke Terengganu, dalam rasa excited ni ada lah jugak rasa sedih bila nak tinggalkan kawan-kawan yang kat Shah Alam ni. Aku akan rindu korang semua ! Especially Syahrul, Shaheen, Alisaiful, Xziranjeev, my godddd! Seriously I'll be missing you guys. :(

Tapi aku akan balik Shah Alam, bukan nya aku nak pergi selama-lamanya. Duhhhh! Ahahaha! Mood sekarang ni dah bercampur baur, macam iklan Astro ' macam-macam ada ! ' -.- Sekarang ni persoalan demi persoalan terlintas kat kepala otak, macam mana nanti aku kat sana ? Kawan-kawan ok ke ? Macam mana senior -senior nanti ? Senang cerita macam mana life kat U nanti. Sudah semestinya berbeza dari zaman sekolah. Tapi tak apa, masa ni lah aku nak belajar untuk hidup berdikari. Hope everythings gonna be fine :)
Oke, sampai disini sahaja coretan untuk kali ini, nanti saya update lagi :D

Bye guys :)

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Going The Distance

A new day begins. You eat, surf, chat, read, exercise, laugh, dance, sing, and do everything else that you can- but still, there's something that your heart is yearning for. There's something that blunders and ultimately makes all the rest of your days incomplete- and you suddenly remember- oh, it was him/her.

If you love someone more than anything, then distance only matters to the mind, not to the heart.

Missing someone- is a test more difficult than anything you take in school. It's where you test your conviction about the both of you- where you can actually know that you love the person more than anything in the world.

Can miles truly separate you? If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?

Distance- a short but stout word. Most people say that LDRs (Long Distance Relationships) don't work out because you just don't feel the love at all when one is in the Earth while the other's in Mars. But I think, it's a wrong perception about LDRs. I salute to those people who are in those kind of relationships, actually. I think they're one of the strongest types of relationships. It's hard to keep, but still they manage to keep that fire burning and warming up. They're doing everything to not let what they started end.

Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.

Honesty, loyalty, commitment- these words make are like love to you in a relationship- since it's what keeps the relationship alive. As I see it, distance isn't a killer, but rather, an elixir of strengthening a relationship- because it keeps us from being astray and the more we miss a person, the more we realize we love the person. :)

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.

Even heaven can be hell if you miss someone. Yes- missing someone is indeed a a hard thing to do and manage, but it's one great step towards utter perfection. Because, as long as you know what your worth is with each other, distance doesn't really matter- since love just overflows and conquers every nasty feeling inside your heart. Because, as we always knew, absence makes the heart grow fonder. :)

Missing a person isn't thinking about what he/she's LEFT in your life, but thinking about what he/she's done RIGHT in your life. :)

Monday 16 May 2011

Missing Someone

I really hate the feeling of missing someone. According to the dictionary, missing is an adjective. It means: lacking, absent, or not found.  As an idiom, it means: to disappear, become lost. I think that covers it some, but still. It can’t describe the feeling of missing someone. Especially when they didn’t care half as much as you did.
When they’re gone, you feel your heart wrenching for them to come back. Your world suddenly revolves around them. You start analyzing everything you did wrong, thinking that maybe if you did something different, they’d have stayed. You start to blame yourself, and you think they’re the greatest thing in the world, while you’re sitting there dragging yourself through the mud.
Time passes, and eventually you realize it wasn’t all your fault. It does take two to tango. So you start to feel happier. Well, you feel fine. That’s more of a fitting word. You start to slip back into your daily routines. After all, the world doesn’t stop for just you. 
You continue on with your days, keeping them in the back of your mind. They were a part of your daily routine for such a long time. You couldn’t just forget them like that. You may encounter something, and it reminds you of them. Or you may see them on facebook or twitter.
But then. You actually see them. You see them in their daily routines, and start to think you once a part of their day. You were once what they cared about. And you can’t help but start to breakdown again. You just want to ask them if they miss you. If they ever think about you. Do they ever wonder if they did anything wrong?  But the fact is still remain that I MISS YOU SO MUCH <3